
Negotiations Competition

This competition is designed for the diplomatic. The Negotiations Competition gives students the chance to hone their skills at the negotiating table.

Client Interview Competition

Client interviewing consists of two team members who interview a potential client in order to gain an understanding of their legal situation and offer some possible preliminary solutions for future action, all while maintaining a professional relationship.


Mooting is an activity undertaken by law students to simulate experiences which occur in court once a member of the profession. Competitors are judged on presentation and the arguments which must be researched thoroughly before the actual moot.

Morrison’ Criminal Advocacy Competition

This competition will focus on the skills required of legal graduates to prepare documents for, and present in court, in bail or sentencing matters. This competition will have a strong practical focus and help you get your head around crucial legislative provisions and principles.

Hugo Law Group  Intervarsity Criminal Law Moot

The Hugo Law Group Intervarsity Criminal Law Moot, hosted by the University of Wollongong Law Students’ Society, invites students from across the country to moot a criminal law case on appeal.